Crescit LightShop Library   |   Stealth Mode   |   User Data   |   Improvements

Lighting Designer v3.3 emphasizes data security and device usability, and also marks the beginning of the integration of the Crescit database.

Crescit LightShop Library

Crescit is a lighting database company that has worked with LD to make their 25,000+ item inventory available to LD users. You can read more about its features here.

Stealth Mode

If you’re in a dark environment and want to spill less light, or just reduce eyestrain overall, switching to Stealth Mode will invert LD’s colors, displaying dark backgrounds and light text. You can read more about it here.

User Data

To ensure your Plots are safe, I’ve added a couple improvements to how LD treats your data.

Data Backup
At least once per session, your device’s Show, Plot, and image data are backed up, so you can always restore a previous database just in case.

iCloud Sync
The new and improved sync framework is faster, more efficient, and gives you more feedback about what it’s doing.

Note: LD v3.3 uses a different sync framework than earlier versions, so it will NOT sync with any earlier versions of LD. Please update all your devices to LD v3.3 so they can all sync together.


Background Render
Waiting around for your render to finish is boring. Now, once your render starts, you can do something else on your device and LD will continue to render in the background, and send you a notification when it’s finished.

Gear image size has been optimized, which improves memory usage and download speed.

Finer control
Now you have more control than ever over how Objects behave on your Plot. Customize what they snap to and how they move around with great precision.

Color can be a powerful design tool, and now there’s more consistency with how it’s used on your Plot. Object text will use the Object’s stroke color unless it has a primary Group, in which case the text will use that Group’s color.

Keyboard Controls
If you have an iPad Pro with Smart Keyboard (or another hardware keyboard) you now have more options than ever. Moving Plot objects, controlling the color picker, and many more. Just hold down the Command key to see what you can do.